The first two porters were Morgan and Burrell. Frank Morgan became Senior Porter when the college buildings began to be occupied in April 1925. He had previously been trained as an electrician and he was also a competent carpenter. These skills saved the college considerable expense during the years of his service. He did much to maintain standards of good behaviour in the College, and was always keen that meals in the Dining Hall, esp. Hall in the evenings, should be served decently and in order. As time went on he did more and more to help Dr Flew in the day to day running of the House. He served until the summer of 1953 when he died after a sudden heart attack during Dr Flew’s absence at a conference in Switzerland. One of his last acts had been to enlarge the area in Chapel in front of the Communion Table. He always lived out of College, first at a house in Eachard Road and later in Milton Road.
His colleague at first was his brother-in-law, Burrell. Later the post of Junior Porter was held by Fred Wolfe, formerly a gardener. “Fred”, as he was always known, in addition to his duties as second porter did much to keep the college grounds in order. He and Mrs Wolfe lived at No 23 Jesus Lane.
When Morgan died, Dr Flew engaged Mr Alen as Senior Porter. He remained for only 2 years. In 1955 Mr Flemington on becoming Principal appointed Mr Gilbert Burnham, who have devoted service to the College from 1955 until 1972. He was an officer in the St John Ambulance Association and he received the high award of “Serving Brother”. He died 20 Nov 1975.
Fred had retired in 1967 and Mr Ray James was appointed by Mr Skinner. He had been a JP in London, and was a Methodist Local Preacher.
The College was well served by a long succession of bedmakers, among whom may be remembered Mrs Silk and Mrs Badcock from the earliest days, Mrs Bowes, Mrs Shelton and Mrs Shepherd.
The earliest housekeeper was Miss Webster who somehow managed to combine with her College duties the running of a café in Green St.
Frank Morgan, Head Porter, and Fred Wolfe, Assistant Porter