The Greenhalgh Endowment
15th September 1919
The Greenhalgh Endowment
THIS INDENTURE made the fifteenth day of September One thousand nine hundred and nineteen
WILLIAM GREENHALGH of Nevda Westmoreland Road Southport in the County of Lancaster Cotton Manufacturer (herein-after called “the Donor”) of the one part and
The Right Honourable THOMAS ROBINSON FERENS of Holderness House Hull in the County of York,
MICHAEL GUTTERIDGE of Ballindune Haslemere in the County of Surrey Esquire,
Sir Henry Holloway Justice of the Peace WILLIAMSON LAMPLOUGH of Number 57 Bishopsgate in the City of London Shipowner, and
The Reverend JOHN HOLLAND RITSON of Shirland Mycenae Road Blackheath in the County of London Doctor of Divinity (hereinafter called “The Trustees”) of the other part
WHEREAS a fund had recently been constituted at the instance of the said Michael Gutteridge for the purpose of the establishment of a college hostel or institution intended to be called Wesley College or such other name as the Trustees thereof may decide within the precincts of the University of Cambridge for the training in Theology and the pastoral office of accepted candidates for the ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church
AND WHEREAS the trusts under which the said fund is to be held are declared by a Deed Poll dated the twenty-fourth day of February One Thousand nine hundred and nineteen under the hands and seals of the said Michael Gutteridge and of Harold Cooke Gutteridge and Samuel Cooke
AND WHEREAS the Donor is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and intends to endow the said college hostel or institution (hereinafter for brevity called “the College”) to the extend of Twenty Thousand Pounds or thereabouts when the same shall be established pursuant to the trusts declared by the recited Deed Poll
AND WHEREAS in part fulfilment of his intention the Donor has transferred to the Trustees or some of them the securities mentioned in the Schedule hereto to the intent that the same shall henceforth be held upon the trusts and subject to the provisions hereinafter declared and contained
NOW THIS INDENDTURE WITNESSETH that the Donor and the Trustees hereby declare that the Trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and such other person and persons as shall from time to time become Trustees of these presents (all of whom are hereinafter included under the designation “the Trustees”) do and shall henceforth stand possessed of and interested in the said securities mentioned in the Schedule hereto and of any further sums or securities which may hereafter be given or transferred by the Donor to the Trustees for the purposes of these presents (all which sums and securities and other the investments from time to time representing the same are hereinafter called “the Trust Fund”) upon the trusts and subject to the provisions hereinafter declared and contained that is to say:-
1. THE Trustees shall apply or permit the application of the dividends and income of the Trust Fund for or towards the maintenance and support of the work of the College to be established in pursuance of the trusts of the said recited Deed poll but so that such dividends and income shall not be applied in or towards the purchase of land the erection of buildings or the equipment thereof the Donor further declaring his desire that such dividends and income should be applied as far as practicable for the special benefit of students who possess exceptional natural capacity and gifts but by reason of restricted means have not been able to take a degree in arts PROVIDED ALWAYS that until such time as the College shall be established whether completely or partially the Trustees shall accumulate the income of the Trust Fund by investing the same and the resulting income thereof in their names in augmentation of the principal of the Trust Fund and to be thenceforth held as part thereof and if such accumulations shall be to any extent unlawful shall to that extent apply the said annual income in support of the Theological Institution Fund of the Wesleyan Methodist Church until the College shall be established.
2. THE Trustees shall entrust the disposition and manner of the said application of the dividends and income for the work of the College to the governing body thereof for the time being.
3. THE receipt in writing of the Treasurer for the time being of the College for the dividends and income of the Trust Fund shall effectually discharge the Trustees from seeing to the application thereof or being answerable for any loss of misapplication thereof.
4. THE Trustees may retain any further securities which may hereinafter be transferred to them by the Donor or his representatives for the purposes of these presents notwithstanding that such further securities may not be within the range of investments authorised by law for Trust Funds and notwithstanding that they may be payable to bearer and transferable by delivery or by delivery with indorsment for such period as they may think expedient and may at their discretion sell any such further securities that may be transferred as aforesaid or any part or parts thereof and invest the moneys arising therefrom in any securities authorised for the time being by law for the investment of Trust Funds and may from time to time vary and transpose all or any of the stock funds or securities of which the Trust Fund shall for the time being consist into and for other stocks Funds or securities so authorised.
5. IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that while individuals are Trustees of these presents it shall not be necessary for the securities forming the Trust Fund to be vested in the names of all the Trustees for the time being but in so many only as the regulations applicable to such securities will permit.
6. THE power of appointing a new Trustee or new Trustees conferred by statute shall apply to these presents but so that an additional Trustees or additional Trustees may be appointed notwithstanding that there may be no vacancy no individual shall hereafter be appointed as a Trustee of these presents unless he or she be a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church or of some Church with which it may hereafter become united and if any such Trustee hereafter to be appointed shall cease to be such a member he or she shall cease to be a Trustee of these presents.
7. THE trusts of these presents shall operate for the benefit of the College not only as it may be originally established or constituted in pursuance of the said recited Deed Poll but also as it may thereafter from time to time be constituted in conformity with any alterations in the trusts of the said recited Deed Poll that may be made in exercise of the power in that behalf contained in the same Deed Poll.
8. The Trust Fund shall bear the designation of The Greenhalgh Endownment.
9. IT shall be lawful for the Trustees during the lifetime of the Donor with his sanction in writing to alter revoke or add to the trusts and provisions of these presents wholly or partially or any future deed to be executed in pursuance of this power any such alteration revocation or addition to be effected by deed under the hands and seals of the Trustees and of the Donor but so that any such alteration revocation or addition shall be consistent with the application of the dividends and income of the Trust Fund for or towards the maintenance and support of the work of the College to be established in pursuance of the trusts of the said recited Deed Poll.
IN WITNESS whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands and seals the day and year first before written.
THE SCHEDULE above referred to
(Investments representing the Trust Fund)
£2,000 5% National War Bonds 1927
£4,000 5% War Loan 1929-47
£1,000 4½% Japanese Bonds (1st series)
£1,000 4½% Japanese Bonds (2nd series)
£1,000 5% City of Tokyo Bonds (1916-36)
£1,000 War Certificates dated 12th July 1916.
By the above named William Greenhalgh in the presence of William Bardsley Brash, 7 Ash St, Southport, Wesleyan Minister
By the above named Right Honourable Thomas Robinson Ferens in the presence of N.C.J. Ferens Bishop Auckland
By the above named Michael Gutteridge in the presence of L.F.Cotton, Dowdchalk, Haslemere, Surrey
By the above named Sir Henry Holloway in the presence of Irene C. Baker, 140 Norbury Cres. Norbury, S.W.16
By the above named Williamson Lamplough in the presence of Jane S. Ritson, Shirland, Mucenas Road, Blackheath
By the above named Reverend John Holland Ritson in the presence of Sydney James Hill, Clerk to the B.& F. Bible Soc. 146 Queen Victoria St. E.C.
THIS INDENTURE made the second day of December one thousand nine hundred and twenty
THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS ROBINSON FERENS of Holderness House, Hull in the County of York
MICHAEL GUTTERIDGE of Ballindune Haslemere in the County of Surrey Esquire,
WILLIAM GREENHALGH of Nevda Westmoreland Road Southport in the County of Lancaster Cotton Manufacturer
SIR HENRY HOLLOWAY Justice of the Peace
WILLIAMSON LAMPLOUGH of Number 57 Bishopsgate in the City of London Shipowner, and
The REVEREND JOHN HOLLAND RITSON of Shirland Mycenae Road Blackheath in the County of London Doctor of Divinity (hereinafter called “The Trustees”) of the other part and
The said WILLIAM GREENHALGH (hereinafter called “the Donor”) of the other part
SUPPLEMENTAL to an Indendture (hereinafter called the “Principal Indenture”) dated the Fifteenth day of September one thousand nine hundred and nineteen and made between the Donor of the one part and the Trustees of the other part being a Declaration of Trust of certain funds for the support of a College or hostel intended to be established at Cambridge for the training of ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church
WHEAREAS the Trustees are the present Trustees under the Principal Indenture AND WHEREAS since the date of the Principal Indenture the Trustees of the said College or hostel have been incorporated under the provisions of the Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act 1872 AND WHEREAS it is desired that such incorporated Trustees should be appointed as Trustees of the Principal Indenture in the place of the present Trustees and that the trusts of the Principal Indenture should be altered to permit of such appointment being made
The Trustees with the sanction (hereby testified) of the Donor and in exercise of the power for this purpose vested in them by Clause 9 of the Principal Indenture hereby declare that a Corporation aggregate (including a body of Trustees incorporated under the provisions of the Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act 1872) may be appointed as the sole Trustee of the Principal Indenture and that Clause 6 of the Principal Indenture shall be added to accordingly
IT WITNESS whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their respective hands and seals the day and year first before written.
By the above named Right Honourable Thomas Robinson Ferens in the presence of W.H. Moorhouse, 64 Laburnum Av. Garden Village, Hull (Clerk)
By the above named Michael Gutteridge in the presence of A.F.Douglas, 10 Old Jewry Chambers, E.C. (Solictor)
By the above named William Greenhalgh in the presence of Jospeh T. Gurney, 3 Salisbury Road, Wallasey (Wesleyan Minister)
By the above named Sir Henry Holloway in the presence of Edward S.Thomas, 157 Grosvenor Road S.W.1 (Secretary)
By the above named Williamson Lamplough in the presence of P.Hogg, 57 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2 (Clerk)
By the above named John Holland Ritson in the presence of Edith J. Oliver, 146 Queen Victoria St. E.C.4 (Clerk)